AIVA Advanced Intelligence Virtual Assistant
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- July 09, 2019 by Al PROGRAMMER#AIVA, #AI, #virtual assistant, #alexa, #siri, #MITI decided to make AIVA more user friendly for smaller screens so this is the pocket version that still has all the features but is in a smaller size. This allows it to be reduced on your desktop to a... Continue reading
- July 01, 2019 by Al PROGRAMMER#AIVA, #AI, #virtual assistant, #MIT, #Alexa, #SiriAIVA Advanced Intelligence Virtual Assistant is the Swiss Army Knife of the Internet! I have added several new features to AIVA: On the left side you now have a button for Flipboard and Inoread which... Continue reading
- June 23, 2019 by Al PROGRAMMER#AI, #AIVA, #virtual assistant, #artificial intelligence, #alexa, #siri, #MITWhat is AIVA? Think of it as a Swiss Army knife for all your online and home control needs with tons of features to simplify tasks you do every day saving you time and speeding up your personal produ... Continue reading