MIMI AI Has New Buttons and Chat Box Now!

I expanded the desk so I can add another row of buttons and will also be including slide out menus for more selection options.

Chatbox (bottom of desk) is now functioning and I will be adding more responses and chat features so you can interact with MIMI on a more personal level soon.

Because I stupidly forgot to write down my video settings I have to remake all the video responses so the frame doesn't jump around making MIMI look like a popcorn kernel about to burst.  Luckily I caught this early

You can now search Amazon by product. Say the product you are looking for and click Amazon button. Same for Google, WIKI, and DUCK search engines.  You can also type your search terms in the chatbox and click the website button.

Changed to TuneIn radio for radio button that will start playing automatically. You may need to start it the first time you visit but then your browser will remember your settings. Same for weather. Buttons will all be personally definable to go to your settings in final version.

Still trying to find an auto webpage reader that will start when the webpage opens but Narrator won't work

If you know of a webpage reader with that ability please let me know in the comments.

Lots of new stuff coming soon!

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